Tension Wire Dispenser

Product Specifications
- Left or right side dispensing
- Easy to hookup
- Adjustable tensioning of wire
- Tension wire (Video)
Additional Information
The Tension Wire Dispenser is designed to dispense from the left or the right side and accommodates 6 feet to 12-foot fence heights for most commercial installations. The durable Tension Wire Dispenser is powder coated for long life.
Tension Wire Dispenser
In a highly competitive industry, Upper Michigan fence installers are constantly looking for ways to cut time and labor from jobs. Tension wire installation can be especially time-consuming, making it difficult to produce low bids. Manually dispensing is slow, can cause tangles, and may result in injuries to workers. However, by using an automated tension wire machine, you can speed up installation. The increased speed results in more competitive bids and higher profits.
The Tension Wire Dispenser easily hooks up for fast installation. Simply secure the wire to a termination post and drive forward to dispense.
Do you find yourself in a tangled mess? We can straighten you out if you give us a call.
Ideal for commercial chain link fence installation in high-security areas. The Tension Wire Dispenser was developed by Northern Michigan industry experts with practical experience building fences in colder, more demanding climates. There is no other piece of equipment like it in the fencing industry.