Product Specifications
Post Sizes
- 1 5/8 in., 2 in., 2 1/2 in., and 3 in.
- Alumninum
- Powder Coated (Black and Green)
Great for high traffic, high contact places such as residential areas, schools, and playgrounds.
- Size: 0.065 x 0.375
- Tensile Strength: 30,000 psi
- For use on 9 gauge fabric only or no more than 8 gauge finish vinyl coated fabric
- Shipped in box of 500
Self-Locking Fabric Bands
Self-locking fabric bands give a professionally-installed look to a fence as well as a strong and secure bond when attaching 9 gauge chain link fabric to fence posts. They are available only to contractors.
The flat surface provides a safe environment for those who may come in contact with the twisted ends of tie wires. That makes the self-locking fabric bands ideal for residential, school, playground and sports park applications.
It also comes in black or green for use with vinyl coated fabric up to 8 gauge finish.
The self-locking fabric bands are easy to install. The bands are pre-shaped to fit around four different size posts. Simply slide the band around the post, hook the two ends of the band together and tighten with a pliers. Using the pliers, turn the end towards the post and hammer it flat against the post. While other ties can come loose, the locking joint provides a strong hold that will not break loose over time.
Looking for an advantage in high traffic, high contact applications? Give us a call.
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Architects & Engineers
This section is designed to assist Architects & Engineers develop bid specifications for commercial chain link fencing projects they may be working on. L&C Enterprises-USA’s pre-formed fence ties meet ASTM requirements. If you have questions about your project, call us at 866-786-1009.
Band ties provide a strong a secure bond. The flat surface gives a professional look with no twisted tails sticking out. The flat surface provides a safe environment for those who may come in contact with the twisted ends of tie wires. That makes the self-locking fabric bands ideal for residential, school, playground and sports park applications.
The tie shall be preformed with a shape that will fit the circumference of the post or rail and over one picket of the chain link fabric. It shall be made of flat aluminum stock. The ends shall lock together by bending or folding the ends over and flat to the back of the post.
Shall meet ASTM Spec. F 626-96a (2003) 6.1.3 Interlocking Flat Wire Ties.