
A Tip When Using An Easy Auger

easy augerDo you ever find that after using a piece of equipment for a time you pick up little habits to make the job go easier? In this case with the MacKissic Easy Auger, all it takes is a pull or a shove.

This tip came up while putting up a residential vinyl fence. We had to install 30 posts so we used an Easy Auger to speed up the process. The soil is a thick black topsoil with a few roots which is not a problem for the Easy Auger. It goes real smooth that that.

The Easy Auger we use is the self-propelled model. It easily moves wherever you need to go. The big advantage in using the Easy Auger is that it only takes one person to dig all of the holes.

One tip when using the MacKissic Easy Auger helps when you are using the auger and the Easy Auger needs to be adjusted to complete a proper hole . Instead of putting it in drive to use the forward and reverse to move the whole machine when you auger the hole, just push with your weight or pull to adjust while the auger drive unit is engaged. This allows you to adjust the auger back and forth without having to engage the forward and reverse for the whole unit.

The Easy Auger digs the holes great. Depending on the size of the auger, you’ll have the standard 8 inch hole or whatever auger size you have and it will make a nice circular hole every time.

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